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How to choose a baking mold, baking tray?

Baking molds are very important in the pastry industry. It does not matter whether you work professionally, producing large quantities of delicious products every day, or if you cook only for yourself and your loved ones. After all, in any case, the correct form – is a guarantee of quality of the finished product, the lack of sticking and preservation of all the flavors.

How to choose a baking dish: the variety of choices

Cookware or baking trays imply a classification taking into account certain features, namely the format, size and material of manufacture. Taking into account the first two accents, it is possible to note such variations of products available for the use of the pastry chef:

  • solid and sliding – designed for preparing biscuits and yeast dough;
  • rectangular, with different-height rims – for baking bread and curing meat as well as some other food;
  • wavy – for tartlets, Tarte;
  • shaped – for euro-desserts and baking for children – for example, for cakes in the form of funny animals;
  • Portioned – allow for individual serving;
  • square and oval – used for all kinds of baking, including casseroles in the oven.

If we talk about how to choose a form for baking in terms of the main material, then we should note the products made of ceramic, glass, silicone, teflon, metal and special paper. And, as practice shows, the most popular are silicone and paper variations.

Paper forms for baking: easy, convenient and fast

This format is disposable, and therefore it belongs to the category of the most economical in a financial sense. Most often they are sold in sets of five or more, which is very convenient for home use. The dough in such “dishes” never burns, and baked goods can be stored for a long time without getting stale. They provide an extremely attractive appearance, and curd cakes or other confectionery products can be cooked with them and in the microwave. Such products are made of different kinds of paper:

  • corrugated – such models can be used not only for baking;
  • parchment, which is treated with a special agent for moisture resistance;
  • laminated paper.
  • The scope of application of paper products – tartlets, muffins, cupcakes, cupcakes, as well as small passover.

Silicone forms for baking: practical and convenient

Products of this type are distinguished by their lightness and ease of storage. They provide a quick withdrawal of the product – to do this, you just need to turn the form inside out. They are also very easy to clean with conventional products, and allow the use of a brush for cleaning. The only problem in this case can be called that not all silicone can be safe. Therefore, when buying should be sure to pay attention to the availability of a certificate of quality.

In the annotation to the product should be stated that the molds comply with European CE standards on the parameters of the FDA. You should also pay attention to the type of products, because silicone versions can be not only for baking, but also for freezing foods. Information about this is usually present on the back of the form in the form of a marking embossment.

Silicone models are well suited for muffins, cakes, sponge cakes, charlotte. The material itself does not allow the dough to stick, easily withstands maximum high temperatures. In addition, it makes no sense to grease such forms with oil. It should be said that it is even strictly forbidden to do this, because fat usually leaves indelible dark stains on their surface.

Pastry rings: specifics of application

Those who are interested in the question of how to choose the right form for baking can also pay attention to pastry rings. This kitchen appliance is a real ring with high rims, mostly – sliding, but without the bottom part. With this equipment they assemble cakes, bake cakes, make desserts with pieces of fruit and pouring jellies, mousses, casseroles and other sweet dishes.

The split baking format is appreciated by many cooks because it allows you to easily remove the baked cake without damaging it. Moreover, with just one sliding ring, you can bake perfectly round pastries measuring 16 to 30 cm in diameter. Also, this product allows you to quickly assemble the cake right in the ring without having to take the cake out after baking.

Professional pastry rings are most often made of quality stainless steel that does not allow deformation. They usually have a non-stick coating on the inside, which greatly improves the comfort of using the product. Rings are available in different diameters and have different wall heights. Thus, every buyer can find the best option for their case.

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